Monday, May 21, 2007

Eat Sand

So. I was over at my brother Mike’s and I saw a photo of soldiers huddled, squatted, probably praying. And I remember mention of a phone call of a phone call at 3:00 am from Iraq. My cousin Ritchie, he’s a young pup in a big dog’s war. I warned him. But he heard only the sound of freedom, freedom from his parents. Now. Now he’s in a war. The phone call. He was distraught over a friend, a friend that had been by his side through training, through battle, through it all. And now he was gone. Walking into the room. He stood by the window, took a drawl off his cigarette. Said something to Ritchie. And jumped out of a three story window to find his death lying on the ground below. He said he wished he had listened. That his views had changed. That people are people. And that they shouldn’t kill each other. But to this young man, death was preferable to life in a war in Iraq. Be strong soldiers. Be strong. Eat sand. Reflect when the time is right. But for now. Just be strong. And eat sand. But come home alive...with your mouth parched. Ready to drink your freedom...from war



Blogger fineartist said...

This piece gave me chill bumps that wont leave. Damned powerful.

Also, I LOVE my page! Absolutlely LOVE it!

Love you too!

Oh and depressed isn't an impasto, sorry, thought I better tell ya, it's actually a watercolor, pen and ink and acrylic; mixed media piece, heh heh.

1:12 PM  
Blogger me said...

Beauty, James! Capturing mood, sentiment, intention. Great finish. Thank you for this, my brother! :-)

3:30 PM  
Blogger Rain said...

Thinking about all those young men and women upsets me. I get so sad and angry. I can't say anymore.

8:20 PM  

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