Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Release Date: November 1, 2007

Selected Poems of Xristi Megas

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Blogger fineartist said...

hey James, if I remember correctly you were asking what the name of the gold statue that I took a photo of at the Vatican, and I have racked my brain and searched around and damned if I can remember his name. I so hate it when that happens, but it does sometimes, rattles right out of my head. It was from Vatican City though...sorry I'm a dunder head, but I love ya!

5:27 PM  
Blogger fineartist said...

Anny's photo is of Clinton, Missouri, and she will be so damned tickled to be featured!

9:41 PM  
Blogger fineartist said...

A human made lake in Clinton, MO. xxxx

9:42 PM  
Blogger Sir James Eric Watkins said...

Yes dear. But who to cite it to is what I'm asking. A preferred pseudonym perhaps? Or a specific name?

And please spare me any nonsense about you being a "dunder head," I think it was. Because I know you're brilliant.

I was just being elusive in my expression, not very clear. That was me.

Damn. I need to get over there and wish Becky a happy belated birthday.

12:02 AM  
Blogger fineartist said...

Oh hells bells, see I am thick, as a brick...Rachel Paro-Duncan, um there ya go...okay back to drooling in a corner for me...

4:17 AM  

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