the guns fired again
today. The young
lost their lives again
today, still rubbing the
weekend from the corners of their eyes
Sad Tuesday
Sun weeps rays of confusion
why’s and how’s warming the wet, morning grass
Tell me. How do you factor it in?
How do you account for this "problem of evil."
We’ll speak in terms of monotheism, since that is the
belief of most people. (I won’t bother with political
correctness, that is the way I address the deity, God
or Goddess, because sex is irrelevant to a spiritual,
supreme being. That I feel safe to assume.)
But if God, the earth, the form goodness, the sun
(like these are separate things), what have you . . .
but if God is omnipotent and all good,
how do you account for human suffering?
To all of you who are affected by this tragedy,
just know I’ve cried for your son, your daughter,
mother, father, friend. The love that defines us,
as humanistic creatures, shines in the midst of chaos and sadness.
You have my thoughts and prayers,
and a stream of love that I can neither turn off, nor ignore.
~ James, Bedford, Kentucky
Labels: human suffering, Problem of Evil, Virginia Tech Massacre