Tuesday, January 09, 2007

If You Read....

...this blog and have read issue one or two
of Flowers & Vortexes, Creative Magazine,
and would like to comment on its content,
then please, by all means, do just that.

So far, we've comments from a mother
and housewife, a college student, and last
but certainly not least, a Dr. of Psychology.

Be the next to comment on Flowers & Vortexes.


Blogger beckyboop said...

I received my second issue and am reading it now. I'll be back to comment. I feel very honored to be mentioned as a sponsor. I hope many more consider sponsorship.

Your friend and fan,

Becky :)

8:43 PM  
Blogger Sir James Eric Watkins said...

Thank you becky boo.

It is, however, Watkins. But that's okay. Growing up some people said Walkins or Wakins. Watson, at least, is a real name.

And I am honored to have your friendship and admiration.

10:52 PM  
Blogger beckyboop said...

Whoops!! Sorry, I was tired. We painted two bedrooms in our house today. I'm wiped.

11:58 PM  
Blogger Sir James Eric Watkins said...

No problem. I kinda like the name "Watson." Dr. Watson I presume. Nahhhh. Dr. Watkins...now that sounds good. Perhaps someday there'll offer a phd in poetry.

poetry so soflty make me smile
make me step closer
to the light
by the window
in the warmth of eyes closed
so bright orange-red
psyche open to the forms

2:39 PM  
Blogger Sir James Eric Watkins said...


2:41 PM  
Blogger beckyboop said...


I was thinking today at work....yes, I feel sooo bad I have been thinking about it all day...."Elementary, dear Watson". Ahhh, what was I thinking?

Maybe it was the paint fumes effecting my already dain bramaged mind.

Sir James Watkins, you wrote my favorite poem and I couldn't even get you name right. :( I tried to delete my remark. Damn it to hell, that option was not available.

Your words above made me feel better, kinda of warm and fuzzy. How about, psyche open to the correct name....

A big, I feel guilty, hug to you,


8:26 PM  
Blogger Sir James Eric Watkins said...

Thanks. But please don't feel that way. That's the last thing in the world I want.

10:08 PM  
Blogger fineartist said...

I haven't had time to read my magazine yet, but I did flip through it and I can't wait to get my hands on it this weekend. Friday night I am all over it! xx, Lori

10:51 PM  
Blogger The Lettershaper said...

Thank you for your comment on 'Sweetgum And Faith' at my BlueTattoo Blog. You can now find me on my new blog, 'With Hammer And Tong...'. I hope you will visit. I have also enjoyed my walk through your particular park...

3:52 PM  

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