Saturday, January 07, 2006


GOD of Infants
Touch Him Now
See that He Lives

Endures what He Must
Trust in a Dream, a Dream
A Peaceful Little Baby Dream

Narrated By His Mother's Warm
Voice, Warm Milk, and a Blanket-
Cocoon, and a Glow He Will Later Know

As the Moon. This I Pray to You, God of Infants
  • Promise of Light

  • moon phase info
    My Photo
    Location: Far Side of Sanity

    And the iguanas dance in the desert/a thousand miles away from this place/and this face: stoned immaculate.

    "Let us remember . . . that in the end we go to poetry for one reason, so that we might more fully inhabit our lives and the world in which we live them, and that if we more fully inhabit these things, we might be less apt to destroy both." Christian Wiman, Editor of "POETRY" "Hang on to your hopes my friend; That's an easy thing to say, but if your hopes should pass away, simply pretend that you can build them again." ~ Paul Simon

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    "Imagination is more important than knowledge." ~ Albert Einstein